A data verification period for Institutional Shareholder Services’ (ISS) new Environmental & Social Disclosure Quality Score questions opened for companies on July 10, 2023 and will remain open until July 21, 2023. The data verification process reflects a comprehensive update to ISS’s Environmental & Social Disclosure QualityScore scoring methodology, which ISS previewed in April 2023 and elaborated on in a June 2023 announcement.
New Vote Reporting Disclosures Required on Form N-PX – Vote Reports Now Extend to All 13F Filers – No Longer Limited to Registered Funds
In November 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted amended rules that update the existing reporting requirements on Form N‑PX and create new Form N‑PX reporting requirements for institutional investment managers.[1] The purpose of these amendments is to increase transparency surrounding proxy voting records. Prior to the adoption of this new rule, registered investment management companies (“Funds”), such as mutual funds and exchange traded funds, were required to publicly report their annual proxy voting records on Form N‑PX.
Updated Summary of Director Education Opportunities Now Available
Gibson Dunn’s summary of director education opportunities has been updated as of July 2023. A copy is available at this link. Boards of Directors of public and private companies find this a useful resource as they look for high quality education opportunities.
NYSE and Nasdaq Allow More Time for Companies to Adopt Rule 10D-1 Clawback Policies: What to Do Now
This week, both the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and The Nasdaq Stock Market (“Nasdaq”, and together with NYSE, the “Exchanges”) filed amendments with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to provide a delayed effective date for the Exchanges’ proposed listing standards requiring listed companies to adopt clawback policies, as mandated by Rule 10D-1 under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
Supreme Court Upholds Tracing Requirement For Section 11 Claims in Direct Listings – Slack Technologies LLC v. Pirani, No. 21-200
On June 1, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously upheld that plaintiffs alleging the registration statement for a “direct listing" IPO contained a material misstatement or omission, who sue under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933, must trace the shares they bought to the registration statement. In a direct listing, unlike a traditional IPO, unregistered shares can be sold by non-affiliates on the initial listing date, so it is possible that certain shares bought on the first day will be unregistered shares and thus not subject to the strict liability standard of Section 11.
New SEC Staff Guidance on Rule 10b5-1 Amendments and Summary of Compliance Dates
On May 25, 2023, the staff of the Division of Corporation Finance (the “Staff") of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC") issued three new Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations (“C&DIs") on the SEC’s recent Rule 10b5-1 amendments. The new C&DIs re-affirm prior statements made by Staff members regarding effective dates for required new disclosures and the operation of the cooling-off period when entering into back-to-back trading plans. We summarize below the C&DI and the compliance dates for new rules relating to Rule 10b5-1, Section 16 and share repurchases.
SEC Enforcement Action Highlights Importance of Non-GAAP Policies and Disclosure Controls and Procedures
On March 14, 2023, the SEC charged DXC Technology Co. (“DXC") with making material misstatements with respect to its non-GAAP financial performance measures, stating that, DXC “negligently misclassif[ied] tens of millions of dollars of expenses as [transaction, separation and integration-related (“TSI")] costs and improperly exclude[ed] them in its reporting of non-GAAP measures." The SEC’s order also found that DXC, and specifically its controllership function and disclosure committee, failed to maintain “adequate" disclosure controls and procedures relating to DXC’s non-GAAP disclosures, citing the following shortcomings:
Updated Summary of Director Education Opportunities Available
Gibson Dunn’s summary of director education opportunities has been updated as of April 2023. A copy is available at this link. Boards of Directors of public companies find this a useful resource as they look for high quality education opportunities.
SEC Publishes C&DIs Addressing Tender Offer Issues
On March 17, 2023, the staff of the Division of Corporation Finance (the “Staff") of the Securities and Exchange Commission released over thirty questions and answers in the form of Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations (“C&DIs") addressing various tender offer issues.
SEC Adopts New Final Rules for Clearance and Settlement; Proposes Changes for Investment Adviser Rules
On February 15, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC") adopted final rule changes intended to reduce risk in clearance and settlement for most broker-dealer securities transactions and proposed new rules designed to enhance safeguards for customer assets managed by investment advisers.