The SEC today held an open meeting and voted, 3-2, to approve the issuance of proposed rules to implement the internal pay ratio disclosure requirement in Section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”). SEC Chair Mary Jo White and Commissioners Kara Stein and Luis Aguilar voted to propose the rules and Commissioners Daniel Gallagher and Michael Piwowar dissented. Statements made by the Commissioners today regarding the proposal are on the SEC website and available here. The comment period for the SEC’s proposed rules will be 60 days after the proposing release is published in the Federal Register; the proposing release is on the SEC website and available here.
Reminder to Respond This Week to the ISS Policy Survey
Companies wishing to participate in Institutional Shareholder Services’ (“ISS”) annual global policy survey should do so this week. The ISS policy survey closes on September 13. Public companies and others are urged to submit their views by completing the survey, as ISS considers the responses to its survey when developing its proxy voting policies for the coming proxy season. When responding to the survey, it is not necessary to enter a response to every question that is asked.
NGOs Release Report on Expectations for Conflict Minerals Reporting
On September 5, 2013, a white paper titled, “Expectations for Companies’ Conflict Minerals Reporting,” was released by two NGOs dedicated to human rights issues, the Enough Project and the Responsible Sourcing Network, describing in detail the expectations and suggestions of certain sustainable and responsible investors, or SRIs, and nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, for the content of Form SD filings and Conflict Minerals Reports expected to be filed with the SEC next year. The two groups make a number of suggestions that far-exceed the literal requirements of the SEC’s conflict minerals rules. The paper, which is available at, suggests that issuers disclose, among other things:
Reminder for Companies Planning to Rely on the “End-User Exception” for Swaps Activities
On Monday, September 9, new CFTC rules will take effect for non-financial companies that use swaps to hedge or mitigate commercial risk. These rules will require the clearing of interest rate swaps and credit default index swaps unless an exception is available. One such exception is the “end-user exception,” and public companies planning to rely on this exception must take certain governance steps. These include obtaining approval from the board of directors or an appropriate committee to enter into swaps exempt from clearing. For more information on these governance steps, please see our June 17, 2013 client alert entitled “Public Companies and the ‘End-User Exception’ for Swaps: Governance Action Items,” which is available here.
Are Changes to the Audit Report on the Horizon? PCAOB Issues Two Significant Proposals
Today, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) proposed for public comment two audit standards that, if adopted, would significantly change the audit report model, and dramatically expand the auditor’s responsibilities in reporting on management’s disclosures outside the financial statements. PCAOB Chairman Doty remarked that the proposed standards – running to almost 300 pages – mark a “watershed moment” for auditing in the United States.
ISS Releases Survey for 2014 Policy Updates
Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”), the most influential proxy advisory firm, today launched its annual global policy survey. Each year, ISS solicits comments in connection with its review of its proxy voting policies. At the end of this process, in November 2013, ISS will announce its updated proxy voting policies applicable to 2014 shareholders’ meetings.
Removal of General Solicitation Ban, Bad Actor Disqualification Rules to Become Effective September 23, 2013; Comment Period on Related Proposed Amendments Also to End September 23, 2013
The Commission’s final rules to remove the ban on general solicitation and general advertising in offerings pursuant to Rule 506 of Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) and pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act, and to disqualify felons and certain other “bad actors” from participating in offerings pursuant to Rule 506, were published in the Federal Register today. As a consequence, the final rules will become effective on September 23, 2013.
U.S. District Court Upholds SEC’s Conflict Minerals Rules
Yesterday, Judge Robert Wilkins of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued a decision granting the SEC’s motion for summary judgment in a suit challenging the SEC’s conflict minerals rules, which were mandated under the Dodd-Frank Act and issued by the SEC on August 22, 2012. As a result, the conflict minerals rules remain in effect as adopted by the SEC. The parties have not yet indicated whether they will appeal the decision. The National Association of Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable had challenged the rules in October 2012, arguing that the rules are arbitrary and capricious and impose undue costs on companies in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and compel speech in violation of the First Amendment by requiring companies to make misleading disclosures suggesting that their products promote violence and human rights abuses. Rejecting the petitioners’ arguments, the court found that various aspects of the conflict minerals provision in the Dodd-Frank Act were ambiguous, and it gave deference to the SEC’s judgments, including its determination not to adopt a de minimis exception and to include within the scope of the rules issuers that “contract to manufacture” products containing conflict minerals. In regard to the First Amendment argument, the court gave deference to Congress in light of the foreign affairs aspect of the Dodd-Frank conflict minerals provision. The district court’s opinion is available at
NYSE Amends Rule on Matters Requiring Shareholder Approval Under NYSE Rules
The New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) recently amended its rules to eliminate the quorum requirement that previously applied to proposals that require shareholder approval under NYSE rules. This rule change became effective July 11, 2013.
SEC Approves Final Rules to Permit Advertising in Rule 506 and Rule 144A Offerings; Also Proposes Rules to Add Additional Investor Protections
At an Open Commission Meeting on July 10, 2013, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC” or the “Commission”) adopted final rules to eliminate the prohibition against general solicitation and general advertising (together, “general solicitation”) in securities offerings conducted pursuant to Rule 506 of Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) and Rule 144A under the Securities Act, as required by Section 201(a) of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the “JOBS Act”). Rule 506 currently permits an issuer to raise an unlimited amount of capital in a private placement to an unlimited number of accredited investors and up to 35 non-accredited investors provided that the issuer does not engage in general solicitation; it is the most widely used exemption under Regulation D. Rule 144A permits the resale of an unlimited amount of securities in a private transaction to qualified institutional buyers. The Commission approved the rules by a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Aguilar dissenting.