On May 4, 2020, the SEC announced (available here) that it has immediately approved proposed rule changes by The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq") that provide listed companies with a temporary exception from certain shareholder approval requirements under the Nasdaq Rules (the “Rules") through and including June 30, 2020 (available here).
Now Available: COVID-19 Resources for Public Companies
Recognizing that public companies continue to be inundated with developing disclosure and governance requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gibson Dunn has created a list (with hyperlinks) of recent publications, releases, guidance, updates, and other useful resources from the SEC, PCAOB, NYSE, Nasdaq, proxy advisory firms, institutional investors, various state governors, and other relevant entities. This list will be updated as new resources are released. The most current version can be accessed by clicking here.
NYSE and Nasdaq Propose Temporary Waivers of Certain Market Capitalization and Trading Price Listing Requirements
In light of the market downturn and similar to action taken in the Great Recession, the NYSE and Nasdaq have proposed temporary waivers of certain market capitalization and trading price listing requirements.
PCAOB Update – PCAOB Seeks Input on CAMs and Comments on Emerging Markets
Over the past several days, the PCAOB has taken a number of steps to make clear that it remains active during the COVID-19 crisis. For example, after issuing only one settled enforcement order during the first three months of 2020, the PCAOB has issued two settled orders in the past week. Both concerned smaller firms, but they serve to demonstrate that the Board is still carrying out its enforcement mandate.
SEC Chairman and Division of Corporation Finance Director Issue Joint Statement on COVID-19 Disclosures
On April 8, 2020, Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Chairman Jay Clayton and Division of Corporation Finance Director Bill Hinman issued a joint statement, available here (the “Statement”) stressing the importance of COVID-19 disclosures (particularly forward-looking disclosures), and urging companies to provide as much information as is practicable regarding their current financial and operational status, as well as operational and financial planning. The Statement notes that the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the global economic landscape and that the SEC recognizes that workers and businesses are facing profound challenges.
NYSE Provides Temporary Waiver of Certain Shareholder Approval Requirements for Private Placements
On April 6, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC") announced (available here) that it has immediately approved the New York Stock Exchange’s (“NYSE") proposed rule changes that temporarily waive certain shareholder approval requirements relating to private investments in public equity (PIPEs). The rule changes were proposed in light of the unprecedented disruption caused by COVID-19 and will apply through June 30, 2020. While these temporary waivers to Section 312.03 of the NYSE Listed Company Manual (the “Listing Manual") (available here) provide companies added flexibility in conducting PIPEs more quickly, companies must still obtain shareholder approval if required under any other applicable rule, including the equity compensation requirements of Section 303A.08 or the change of control requirements of Section 312.03(d) of the Listing Manual. For more information, please see our recent client alert (available here) discussing key considerations for PIPE transactions.
Disclosure Considerations: One Month Into the U.S. Outbreak
The COVID‐19 outbreak is creating a great deal of uncertainty in the global economy and in our daily lives. Companies worldwide are facing unique legal and operational challenges related to the outbreak and the downturn in the economy. In the midst of this constantly evolving landscape, U.S. publicly traded companies must continue to consider how the situation impacts their disclosure.
ISS Provides Policy Guidance in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic
On April 8, 2020, Institutional Shareholders Services (“ISS") released guidance regarding the application of its policies amid the COVID-19 pandemic (available here). In the guidance, ISS discusses various governance issues in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and states that it will be flexible in its application of its policies, while requiring disclosure of the rationale for certain actions that companies may take. The following are four main topics covered in the guidance for companies in the United States:
Delaware Governor Issues Limited Relief for Public Company Shareholder Meetings Impacted by COVID-19
Today the Governor of the State of Delaware issued an executive order (the “Order")[1] that provides two limited forms of relief for publicly traded companies[2] hosting shareholder meetings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
SEC Extends Conditional Exemptions From Reporting and Proxy Delivery Requirements for Public Companies Affected By COVID-19 For Reports due on or before July 1, 2020 4/1/2020
On March 25, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission") announced (available here) that it is providing a 45-day extension for companies to file certain disclosure reports that would otherwise have been due on or before July 1, 2020 (Order available here). This is an extension of the conditional reporting relief covered by the Commission’s relief (Original Order available here) for certain public company filing obligations under the federal securities laws, issued on March 4, 2020 (as previously discussed in our post here, and updated here), to companies impacted by the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (“COVID-19"). In addition, the Commission’s Division of Corporation Finance (the “Division") issued on March 25, 2020 its current views regarding disclosure considerations and other securities law matters related to COVID-19 (available here).