Orange County partner James Moloney and New York partner Glenn Pollner and associate Matthew Shaw are the authors of “Convertible Debt Exchange Offers: Considerations for Distressed Issuers” [PDF] published in the September-October 2009 issue of Deal Lawyers.
Enforcement Action on Section 13(d) Disclosure Requirements For Institutional Investors Clarifies Exception for ‘Ordinary Course of Business’
New York partner Mark K. Schonfeld, Orange County partner James Moloney and Denver associate Monica K. Loseman are the authors of “Enforcement Action on Section 13(d) Disclosure Requirements For Institutional Investors Clarifies Exception for ‘Ordinary Course of Business'” [PDF] published in the August 31, 2009 issue of BNA’s Securities Regulation & Law Report.
Considerations for Public Company Directors in the Current Environment
The current economic and regulatory landscape poses unprecedented challenges for public companies and their boards of directors. They are facing scrutiny from shareholders, Congress, regulators and the public, and new proposals to address the causes of the financial crisis have been emerging on almost a daily basis for over a year now.