We have been monitoring proxy statement disclosures made by S&P 500 companies pursuant to Item 402(b)(1)(vii) of Regulation S-K. That provision, which was added as part of the SEC’s say-on-pay rules, requires companies to discuss in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis (CD&A), “[w]hether and, if so, how the registrant has considered the results of the most recent shareholder advisory vote on executive compensation . . . in determining compensation policies and decisions and, if so, how that consideration has affected the registrant’s executive compensation decisions and policies.”
U.S. House Passes Bill Reforming IPO Process for Smaller Companies
On March 8, 2011, the House of Representatives approved the JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act by a vote of 390 to 23. The JOBS Act is a package of six bills aimed at reviving the market for initial public offerings and other financing options for smaller companies by easing the rules governing capital formation in an effort to encourage private-sector job creation.
SEC Staff Grants No-Action Letter Excluding Proxy Access Shareholder Proposal
In a significant decision, the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission today issued a no-action letter concurring that a proxy access shareholder proposal could be excluded from a company’s proxy materials under Rule 14a‑8. The proposal, submitted to Textron Inc. by John Chevedden on behalf of Kenneth Steiner, requested adoption of a bylaw amendment permitting shareholders to include in the company’s proxy materials director candidates nominated by any shareholder(s) that had continuously held one percent of the company’s voting securities for two years or by any group of shareholders “of whom one hundred or more satisfy SEC Rule 14a‑8(b) eligibility requirements.
Final SEC Conflict Minerals Rules Delayed
Contrary to the expectations of many that the SEC would imminently release its final conflict minerals rules, on March 6, 2012, at a hearing before the House Committee on Appropriations on the SEC fiscal year 2013 budget request, SEC Chairman Schapiro indicated that the rules will not be adopted until “the middle of the year.” Schapiro stated that the SEC needs “the next couple of months” to complete the rules as the conflict minerals rulemaking is “so complex” and “so out of the ordinary for the SEC.
ISS Extends Deadline for GRId 2.0 Data Confirmation and Release
Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) announced today that it has extended the deadline for companies to review their updated GRId 2.0 data and submit corrections before GRId 2.0 is implemented. The deadline was previously Thursday February 23, 2012, at 8pm Eastern Time. The updated deadline is now Monday, February 27, 2012, at 8pm Eastern Time. ISS has also announced that the updated GRId scores will now be released on Monday, March 5, 2012, instead of the previously announced date of February 27, 2012.
SEC Provides Guidance on Say-on-Pay Description Language
On February 13, 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission provided guidance on how a company should describe its advisory vote to approve executive compensation that is required by Rule 14a-21 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), on its proxy card and voting instruction form. While the interpretation specifically addresses only the phrasing on the proxy card, best practice is to use the same terminology when identifying the voting item within the proxy statement. The guidance was provided under Compliance and Disclosure Interpretation (“C&DI”) Question 169.07 and stated the following:
UK Corporate Governance: The 2011 Report Card
Introduction: The Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”), the independent regulator responsible for promoting corporate governance in the UK, published its annual report at the end of last year assessing the impact and effectiveness of the new UK Corporate Governance Code (“CGC”) and the new Stewardship Code (“SC”) (the “Codes”), setting out proposals for reform and improvement in best practice.
Form 13H Filing Requirements for “Large Traders”
Under new SEC Rule 13h-1, entities and natural persons must register with the SEC ten (10) days after becoming “large traders,” as defined in the rule. The initial filing of Form 13H was due by December 1, 2011 for entities and natural persons who were large traders on or after the rule’s October 3, 2011 effective date. Rule 13h-1(b)(1) also requires all large traders to file an annual Form 13H 45 days after each full calendar year-end, unless they have filed for inactive status, and no later than the end of any calendar quarter if the information on the form becomes stale.
Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Provision Does Not Cover Employees of Non-Public Companies, First Circuit Rules
In an important decision regarding the scope of the Sarbanes-Oxley "whistleblower" provision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit ruled on Friday that the provision generally does not extend to employees of non-public companies. Lawson v. Fidelity Management & Research LLC, et al., No. 10-2240 (1st Cir. Feb. 3, 2012). The defendants in the cases were represented by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP and Goodwin Procter LLP.
Qualified Foreign Investors Permitted to Directly Invest in Equity Shares of Indian Listed Companies
The Government in India ("Government") has extended the reach of a Qualified Foreign Investor ("QFI") in India by permitting it to directly invest in equity shares of Indian companies listed on Indian stock exchanges. The Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") has issued guidelines to this effect on January 13, 2012 ("Guidelines").