Today, proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”) provided additional information on its plans to implement a new “scorecard” approach to evaluating equity compensation plan proposals at U.S. shareholder meetings and requested comments on its proposed policy change. This is one of two significant proposals ISS announced today that would impact U.S. companies for the 2015 proxy season, with the other proposed policy change relating to voting recommendations on independent chair proposals (which we discuss here). Companies considering seeking shareholder approval of equity plans at shareholder meetings in 2015 should consider these proposed changes now to the extent they want ISS to recommend votes “For” the equity plan.
ISS Releases Survey for 2015 Policy Updates
Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”), the most influential proxy advisory firm, today launched its 10th annual global policy survey. Each year, ISS solicits comments in connection with its review of its proxy voting policies. At the end of this process, in November 2014, ISS will announce its updated proxy voting policies applicable to 2015 shareholders’ meetings.
House Financial Services Committee Approves Eight Bills Affecting Securities Regulation
Earlier this summer, on May 22, 2014, the Financial Services Committee of the House of Representatives approved eight bills relating to issuer disclosures, public and private capital raising, the liquidity of restricted securities and SEC regulations generally. These bills, if enacted into law, would incrementally ease the many burdens imposed by the current securities regulatory regime.
SEC Issues Guidance on the Use of Social Media and the Intrastate Offering Exemption
Solicitations using Social Media
During a webcast earlier this year, our partner Jim Moloney, who formerly worked in the SEC’s Office of Mergers & Acquisitions (“OM&A”), spoke with the current Chief of OM&A, Michele Anderson. On that webcast, Ms. Anderson acknowledged that “social media is here to stay,” noting that the Commission was “trying to find a way to make it work.” Following the webcast, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance (“Corp Fin”) posted a new round of Securities Act Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations (“C&DIs”) that approved hyperlinking to legends or required statements in satisfaction of the requirements of Rules 134, 165 and 433 in certain situations. Under three new interpretations, Corp Fin clarified that an electronic communication containing a hyperlink to a legend (or a required statement in the Rule 134 context) would be acceptable so long as:
PCAOB Adopts Auditing Standards Governing Related Parties, Significant Unusual Transactions And Financial Relationships With Executive Officers
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) yesterday adopted new and amended auditing standards that expand audit procedures required to be performed with respect to three important areas: (1) related party transactions; (2) significant unusual transactions; and (3) a company’s financial relationships and transactions with its executive officers. The standards also expand the required communications that an auditor must make to the audit committee related to these three areas. They also amend the standard governing representations that the auditor is required to periodically obtain from management.
PCAOB Public Meeting on Proposed Changes to the Auditor’s Reporting Model
Last week, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (the “PCAOB”) convened a series of ten panels as part of a two-day public meeting regarding proposed changes to the auditor’s reporting model. The proposed changes have elicited a range of opinions from various stakeholders and commentators, a majority of which have been critical of the proposals. Individuals invited to appear as panelists at last week’s meeting, however, were generally supportive of the proposed changes and offered various recommendations for ways in which the PCAOB could modify its proposals in order to move forward.
The Council of Institutional Investors Presses SEC Staff for Guidance on Interim Vote Tallies
Last May, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., the provider of proxy services for over 90% of public companies and mutual funds in North America (“Broadridge”), decided to end its established practice of providing interim vote tallies (sometimes referred to as “preliminary voting results”) to proponents of shareholder proposals. Following this change in practice, the Council of Institutional Investors (“CII”) sent a letter to the SEC asking the Commission to reverse Broadridge’s change in practice. Later in July, Broadridge reviewed its decision, promising to “continue to monitor developments on th[e] issue” and noting that it is contractually obligated to follow client directions regarding release of interim vote tallies.
SEC Issues Second Set of FAQs on Conflict Minerals Rules
On April 7, 2014 the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance issued a second set of Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) on its conflict minerals rules (Exchange Act Section 13(p), Rule 13p-1 and Item 1.01 of Form SD). The full set of FAQs, including the nine new FAQs and the 12 FAQs issued in May 2013, is available at For more information about the conflict minerals rules, please see our client alert available at, and for a discussion of the first set of FAQs, please see our client alert available at
Corp Fin Issues Revised Statement on WKSI Waivers
On March 12, 2014, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance (Corp Fin) issued a Revised Statement on Well-Known Seasoned Issuer Waivers (the Revised Statement).
ISS To Revise QuickScore
On January 8, 2014, Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”) announced that it will launch a new version of QuickScore (“QuickScore 2.0”) on February 18, 2014. QuickScore benchmarks a company’s governance risk against other companies in the Russell 3000 Index based on a number of weighted governance factors. QuickScore 2.0 will use a different method to score companies’ governance risk and will automatically reflect changes in companies’ governance structures based on publicly disclosed information.