This is a smart time of year to confirm plans for SEC reporting and capital markets transactions in 2020. To assist public companies in keeping track of the various filing deadlines, we have prepared a desktop reference calendar that sets forth filing deadlines for many SEC reports. To assist companies with planning capital markets transactions, including IPOs, our calendar also provides the staleness dates (i.e., the last date financial statements may be used in a prospectus or proxy statement without being updated).
You can download a PDF of the 2020 SEC Filing Deadlines calendar at the link below.
Gibson Dunn provides a range of other helpful resources on our website, from a guidebook for companies considering their initial public offering to illustrative timelines for securities offerings by existing public companies. For access to these and other resources and publications, please see Gibson Dunn’s Capital Markets Practice Center.
For more information about current developments and trends in securities regulation, corporate governance and executive compensation, sign up for Gibson Dunn’s Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance Monitor.
Special appreciation for the contributions of Monika Kluziak, associate in our Houston office, and Matthew Ross, summer associate in our Houston office.